
First Student Panel Meeting

Event Description

The initial meeting of the student panel provided the opportunity for student voices from various phases - primary, secondary, and specialist schools - and from both state and independent sectors to discuss the fast-paced nature of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education.

This diversity ensured a comprehensive representation of student experiences and perspectives across different educational settings.

The meeting aimed to achieve several key objectives:

1.       Fostering Unity: Encouraging a sense of community and collaboration among the diverse group of students.

2.       Understanding AI from a Student Perspective: Capturing students' views and knowledge about AI, and how they envision its role in education.

3.       Assessing AI Knowledge: Evaluating the students’ current understanding and awareness of AI technologies and their applications.

4.       Contemplating AI's Impact: Discussing and reflecting on the potential influence of AI in educational settings and beyond.

5.       Developing a Student-Centred Questionnaire: Initiating the creation of a survey to gather broader student opinions on AI, aimed at informing future initiatives.

Students spent time discussing the following questions:

What worries/dangers might there be in using AI?

What do you think the future looks like for AI?

How could AI benefit teachers?

How could AI benefit students?

Do you think AI might impact the teacher-student relationship? How?

Outcomes include a group of students as a test pilot for AI literacy resources and another group designing a student friendly survey on AI in education.