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The-Institute-for-Ethical-AI-in-Education: The-Ethical-Framework-for-AI-in-Education

Sixth Form
Pupil Referral Unit
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Leadership & Implementation
Teaching & Inclusive Practices
Key Stage 1
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Key Stage 4
Key Stage 5
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This document presents the Institute's efforts in creating an ethical framework for AI in education to enhance the benefits for learners while mitigating potential risks. It serves as an invitation for collaboration in this significant initiative.

The Institute has developed an Ethical Framework for AI in Education to optimise the benefits for learners and protect them from potential risks.

The framework is aimed at guiding procurement and application decisions related to AI in education, emphasising the role of educational leaders and practitioners in ensuring ethical use of AI resources.

The Institute emphasises the need for reforms in education to leverage AI's potential in addressing systemic issues and providing universal access to high-quality, lifelong learning.

The Institute encourages governments and civil society to promote AI literacy and understanding of its ethical implications to empower informed use of AI resources.

The Institute acknowledges the need for ongoing efforts to ensure ethical AI use in education and calls for global engagement and collaboration to refine the framework and maximise AI's benefits for learners.

Key Learning


The Institute have identified several risks associated with the use of AI in education, including:

Bias and discrimination: AI systems can perpetuate and amplify existing biases and discrimination, leading to unfair treatment of certain groups of learners.

Privacy and security: The use of AI in education can raise concerns about the collection, storage, and use of personal data, as well as the potential for data breaches and cyber attacks.

Lack of transparency and accountability: The complexity of AI systems can make it difficult to understand how they work and who is responsible for their outcomes, leading to a lack of transparency and accountability.

Over-reliance on AI: Over-reliance on AI systems can lead to a reduction in human interaction and decision-making, potentially limiting learners' critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Ethical concerns: The use of AI in education raises ethical concerns related to the autonomy and agency of learners, as well as the potential for AI to replace human teachers and undermine the value of education.