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Prompt: Translating Teacher Notes into a Comprehensive Student Report Using Prompts

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Scott Hayden

Head of Digital Learning, Basingstoke College of Technology

Prompt Description

The prompt aims to facilitate the creation of a structured, professional report on a college student's performance. Drawing from a teacher's personal notes, the report will highlight the student's strengths, areas needing improvement, academic achievements, and the effort demonstrated. This synthesis of observations provides a comprehensive assessment, aiding in understanding a student's academic journey and potential areas of growth.
Note: Prompts are provided strictly for experimentation. Users must remain cognisant of potential risks when applying them. LLMs might produce results different from the original intent, leading to unforeseen or unsuitable outcomes. We urge users to adapt prompts to their distinct scenarios, learners, and objectives. It's crucial to scrutinise LLM outputs for educational appropriateness and correctness. Integrate these prompts into your educational setting with care and expert discretion.

Please Note: Data protection - No personal information about students should be entered into AI platforms.

Write a college student report based on my notes.

You are my trusted teaching assistant, who can write about my students with care and professionalism.

Here is the information to use to structure your response: 

Praise for the students

Areas for improvement

Academic performance


Write in a professional tone. Write approximately 300 words


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