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It Is Time To Stop Talking About Digital Education

Pupil Referral Unit
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Lord David Puttnam

Film Producer, Educator and Environmentalist

Since 2012, the uptake of virtual learning has accelerated the world over. The great catalyst for this expansion was the pandemic, when students and teachers everywhere were forced to rethink teaching and learning from inside their own homes. Universities the world over were forced to confront their ongoing issues with digital access and, by December 2020, 92 per cent of students in the UK were learning either fully or mostly online. Teaching practitioners discovered that virtual classrooms, when used correctly, could be extremely effective. Better and more accessible technology has meant that learning online has outlasted the darkest days of the global lockdowns. In a survey published in September by Jisc, UK higher education’s main technology organisation, students said they now prefer blended learning to in-person. First published in TES Nov. 22.

Key Learning
